Killed by crewmembers during nukie round/

Byond Account: Yin No Piano

Character Name(s): Kosaki Nya Owo

Discord Name: kosaki#0818

Round ID:11978

Griefer Byond account:  William Wentzel ,

Griefer Byond name: William Wentzel 

It was a nukie round & everyone was practically armed.
I was coming down from towards central hallway when I started getting shot at by a William Wentzel the quartermaster.
I then shot back in self defense & he ended up putting me in crit & then he finished me off.. 
The quartermaster proceeded to shoot another crew member shortly after.

not happy.

William Wentzel fires the security auto rifle!
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the left leg!
William Wentzel fires the security auto rifle!
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
William Wentzel fires the security auto rifle!
Diego Thomas is hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
You fire the security auto rifle!
4.6x30mm bullet bounces off William Wentzel's armor, unable to embed!
William Wentzel is hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
You fire the security auto rifle!
William Wentzel is hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
You fire the security auto rifle!
William Wentzel fires the security auto rifle!
The window is hit by 4.6x30mm bullet!
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
You fire the security auto rifle!
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
William Wentzel fires the security auto rifle!
You feel your heart slow down...
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the chest!
You're hit by 4.6x30mm bullet in the head!
... You can almost hear something ...
Kosaki Nya Owo has died at Central Primary Hallway.


resolved, thank you for the report!