Make psych have more of an active role/QOL

Psych is probably the most RP-centered role on the list, and not many people want to do a full therapy session just for kicks. I propose that:
a.) You can get emotional trauma after being severely injured/death, that can resolve itself by sitting in psych office for a bit. Best case scenario, psych gets more interaction with the crew and can lead to more RP moments, worst case, AI/CMO leaves psych office on EA and people just sit in psych for an extra minute, or, hell, psych does a bit of medical care in his/her office.

b.) Non-physical (permanent or otherwise) traumas can be suppressed/removed from one of the medications that psych gets roundstart, and in order to figure out what prescription to give them, psych does an evaluation to deduce the correct drug, writes out a prescription (probably give psych a stamp, then), done deal. This also gives more interaction with the chemist, if there is one. If this gets implemented, psych should get pharmacy on lowpop.

c.) More of a follow-up to the psych evaluations, Psych can get one of the things that bar/kitchen has, and bring NPCS to do a psych evaluation on them, fill their prescription, get cash, repeat. If adding a third one is too much, just merge all 3 into one and make it printable roundstart if it isn’t already.

Hit me with more suggestions if you’ve got em, we love giving niche roles more love.


integrate psych evals with brig prisoners and HoP access changes or cargo delivery requests maybe

It would be nice RP wise, but (literally yesterday) Venus was trying to rehabilitate a prisoner, and the moment it got the chance, he attacked hos and threw him into a bonfire he made.
As for cargo delivery requests, ?