Make revolution rounds less boring after Rev/Head win

because the station becomes uninhabitable, due to nar’sie and the nuke.
in revs, all that happens is heads are gone.

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The problem being that they gotta kill heads of staff at all cost, and they take the “at all cost” thing as nuking half the station with bombs, burning an entire department into a crisp because a head might be inside, slaughtering everything they don’t like, breaking into every damn place even if they got revolutionaries in that place already to let them in normally.

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As much as I like ending rev wins with deathsquads, making them automatic incentivizes command (and sec) to throw so they can roll for it.


Ah yes, those stupid hulk assistants breaking into engineering for 2947823 time to take insuls.


To add to this discussion, I think I should add the knowledge of the fact that when revolutionaries win, 20 threat is added to the midround antag budget. With this combined with the fact that command and security will largely be non-functional, antags will usually end the round by all sorts of means soon after a Rev win.

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Oh wow, so every enemy corp sees that command and sec is dead and be like “Yep, better fuck this fully”

Maybe a clear “revs win” message of some kind where any remaining loyal to NT know they’ve lost.

If all revs know they’ve won, they can perhaps focus on rebuilding and restructuring and command is forced to be locked and no further slots can spawn of them.

I know a lot of people hated the revolution game mode (I loved it), and for the people that miss it they are used to just “revs win/lose, game over, new round”. But I’d Ike to see more games where the station doesn’t goto shit and a heavy focus on rebuilding is put.

Perhaps syndicate bounties, contracts and objectives (A syndicate BSA for example) since revs are loyal by default to the syndicate and would have full reason to interact with them. Nanotrasen Central Command would get replaced with a Syndicate Centeal Command and the syndicate would be more eager to send rebuilding supplies to their new station.

Both sides get a very clear win message in form of a CC announcement.

This is a thing with both command and sec.

This would be pretty cool but most of the time, the station is in disrepair after rev rounds.


According to CC announcements, revolutions end with them just unionizing, so they still work for NT kinda?

idk ask the tg loremasters

How about we just turn it into an attack/defend mode kinda thing after the revs win they’re given enough time to rebuild and basically turn the station into a fortress and NT sends maybe a team to take back the station?
or just nuke the station you know :flushed: