Maxcap in departures

Byond Account: strom989
Character Name(s): Silent Whisper
Discord Name: strom989
Round ID: 32140
Date: 11/05/2024 *
Griefer IC name: Dustin White? (not sure who caused the explosion but someone said in ghost chat that he left a welded locker)
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened:
so aside from all the chaos from that shift when shuttle was about to arrive i went to departures with my syndicate monkey and another spy Christopher Draudy we were chilling there and i didn’t saw the locker or if it was Dustin but something went boom and from the looks of it it was a maxcap and there were several people some innocent aside from me there

Screenshot 2024-05-11 221731
Screenshot 2024-05-11 230148

This has been handled. Thanks for the report!