Mehmed Miller Ban Appeal Part 3

Byond Account:exymian
Character Name(s): Mehmed Miller
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Exymian
Round ID of Ban: 17346

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

State your appeal: Hello again, a long time has passed.My friends quit the game but i’d still like to roleplay with the new players and a trip down memory lane.

I apologize for my behavior in the past and there is no excuse. I am writing this appeal because there is guilt in my consciousness for the bad ending i had on my first favourite and the most gametime i have on any other server.
I also apologize for the last ban appeal i wrote last year, it was childish of me to still be upset about the ban after all that time had passed.

Thanks for reading my appeal.

Mehmed Miller


I’m denying this because i really feel like after having paranoia that a specific person is targeting you and going out of your way to be very vocal about it in a totatly unhealthy you don’t get to just come back to the community like that wasn’t super crazy