Mentor Application: Davusi

Byond Account: AngryBlackMan_Davusi
Character Name(s): Davusi
Discord Name: Davusi
Age: 18
Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time
Active hours: Depends on my sleeping patterns, but other than that, pretty active

How long have you played on Fulpstation? 3 months, approaching 4, over 100 hours now.

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments? A large majority of my hours are in shaft mining, I have even taught someone else the basics, do’s and do not’s, I have knowledge on how security works, I used to play roboticist a little bit, I am starting to play geneticist a lot more now.

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp? The lack of 4chan culture which is amazing, makes this server actually fun to play, lots of people tend to help you out when you need to learn something, such as when I did surgery as robo, I was taught step by step, or when I am mining I was given tips on how to make it more efficient, over all the server is just a friendly environment, at least compared to the other servers.

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Application accepted. Welcome to the mentor team.