Was just thinking about how loitering space law would be applied earlier today. US law is usually loitering is only a crime if you’re obstructing a public walkway. Like setting up a tent or something.

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CC announces there are threats on station.
Disassembling important machinery is no small sabotage.
Since crew knows what syndicate generally are, it’s not hard to put 2&2 together.

They should staff report that note imo.

if you just saw 9/11 happen in real time and a week later some guy you don’t know walks into your factory without saying a word and starts slicing up all the machines with a plasma torch, would you assume this a random bout of vandalism or do you think you might consider the possibility that it’s a deliberate act of sabotage by a hostile foreign entity seeking to undermine the US

the station literally tells crew members to be on the alert. I’m just repeating myself now. It’s a station in space, not a public school cafeteria. Any form of vandalism beyond scribbling on the floor is a serious matter that costs NanoTrasen money, and assuming someone purposefully damaging the station is a hostile foreign agent isn’t unreasonable, it’s actually really smart. What do you think the mime is gonna do with the ORM anyway? Something nice? Why the fuck would anything nice ever happen

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It is. Go make a staff report as shown in the ban appeal template for the reasons stated there. Complaining about your unfair treatment on a meme post to rally the public wont do you any favors.


did you know the average adult American has reading comprehension comparable to a 7th grader

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mf just brought up 9/11 umprompted and then called a non-american mod illiterate :skull:

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9/11 really wasn’t the point of my post nor the hypothetical example provided, was it? Nor was geography or nationality.

I like where this is going