My ban appeal for griefing ( also name and no i didn't get banned again )

First of all i didn’t get banned again i opened new topic because i tagged it wrong and it was not getting looked so i decided to open new one
Byond Account:Adertm
Character Name(s):SoapSpeedwagon
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):Kylo ren in kayınçosu#5724
Round ID of Ban:22454
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
ban appeal

State your appeal:So i was playing warden and when there was left 10 seconds to leave shutle and mime put his wall into my way and i still got into shuttle and i couldn’t think logically and shot him im sorry for this

This is denied i don’t see this working out now or anytime in the future. The longest time period youve gone without being talked to by staff is a week. The LRP poor behavior is cross server we can telll from the ban databse. If you can go 6 months without being banned on another server we can revivst this but for the time being it’s staying.