What it does: basically a biodegenerator for material sheets, insert 10 iron and get 1 titanium, insert 2 diamons and get a bluespace crystal. Would be cool sonce there’s only 3 station objectives and they’re getting boring
I want to at least expand the objectives, but i have no idea where in the code they are or how they work. So im only slightly better than an idea guy in that respect
This is also a response to people wanting more sci fi
That does sound cool, maybe it needs a special anomaly core to complete it, like a bluespace core? It would be harder than shield satellites but far easier than bsa and ESPECIALLY dna vault. More an exercise in resource and money costs than a fetch quest.
in general the round objectives could be overhauled, but ofc this is me being an idea guy. station goal is set when the report is printed, and takes into account what job roles are filled, there could be multiple goals per round (for each department with sufficient crew) giving crew more work to do - as in maybe give some sci objectives so that the roboticist has something else to do other than build combat mechs? same goes for most of sci, and could easily be expanded to all departments.
as for a concrete example, NT is asking the station to prepare the materials for a new station, or the repairs of another one - a random amount of resources, some food, tools, toolbelts, some bots, some chemicals, some organs - basically asking the crew to ship a number of “roundstart” items for this hypothetical station.
this gives all crewmembers a chance to participate in it, and if you keep most of the stuff easy enough to make, people will be more likely to contribute.
in order to make it work even on low pop, you could as i said take into account the roundstart jobs that were filled, adjust the objective accordingly.
this idea has been brewing for a while but i havent yet made the jump to investigate the objectives and how they work in TG code.
A shopping list or quota Objective would be great. Like “NT needs 5 Med bots, A Monkey with the Cold resistance Mutation, 20 Apple Pies with 20 Beers & 20 Bottles of Space Cleaner(Empty Bottles Provided)”
And all of it needs to be sent to NT via the Cargo Shuttle.
Get’s nearly all Departments involved and they can complete it by just doing what they would normally do.
that’s boring because it gives no incentive for the crew to do the objective, objectives should give something fun at the end
TBH I Still did the DNA Vault objective not knowing it actually did something
i like bees personal objectives system