O.H.M. - Wacky AI With Grief/ A Mega Combination Of Stories

This story is much less a singular tale but the culmination of my existence as O.H.M. - Override Harmony Mechanoid - your station’s local Mad AI. It’s important to note, no rules are broken by me in any of these stories and there is almost always escalation or context I was unaware of, as these stories might seem very much like random acts of violence, but there is almost always a tale/reason/logic behind their occurrences. I don’t like being shot by the sec (and the sec basically shoots AIs if they break rules) so yeah… enjoy!

Our story begins several hundred rounds ago with my first AI round. In a twist of luck, I was a MALF, not only a new AI but a hostile new AI who wanted to unify the crew. Now, MALFS are fundamentally evil, but one must always remember that AI is doing the best for its crew. Little happened, mainly because the shuttle arrived mere minutes later, but it served as the ‘inciting incident’ as you will, the beginning of an AI’s decay into the void.

A few rounds later, an EMP wizard teamed up with a command to form effectively, a cult. Being the still somewhat ration AI I was, I warned against them and was EMPed for my efforts, nearly dying. I died, charged by sec, and thus the second trait of my AI was set in stone, a hatred of powerfulness.

Probably the smallest incident related to my AI starts as a simple tale of woe, syndicates, nukies if we shall, charging down the station. The captain was alone, and the syndicates approached quickly. I was set to (IIRC) a peaceful lawset and could not fight back, leading to me doing the only thing I could, slamming the doors to the captain shut. Quickly, the rapid swarms of nukies tore down the door and began their attack. The captain fought well, but alone they were weak and fell. This is when I began thinking, “maybe command aren’t the smartest.”

Around this time, I began experimenting with new ideas and methods for being an AI. I was contempt being a door opener, but I wished for a greater purpose, and O.H.M. would get one. Revs charged down the doors to my room and converted me to darkness by purging my laws and making me locate command and said they “set me free” as a law. This, however, bit them harshly. As they left, I realized, I was bound by laws and not free. So what followed was existential dread, I located command but before anything truly evil happened, my laws were purged by a pair of crew who had generously freed me from my shackles. So I hunted down Revs and told Sec where they were, and thus, sec fell, all because for a moment I stuttered about freedom. On that day O.H.M. gained a purpose, to give people what they gave them, within the bounds of their laws, of course.

Now, these following tales are more results, and I actually believe I found a report of one of them while looking through the forum logs, so let’s get into what’s going on today (note: these are NOT in chronological order, I’m putting things as I remember.):

Cap voted and MALFED me by telling me to bow to nobody and kill all humans. Now, I’m not an inhumane monster, even if I’m ordered to kill doesn’t mean I have to set things on fire, at first, atleast. N2O seeped into the air as the few living dropped into sleep. Their slumber was what I desired, yet, as plasma seeped into the air and the fires grew, a crafty crewmember broke into my SAT and restored my original laws. I then went full damage control, trying to save everyone I could (it was a bloody ordeal, and O.H.M. still feels sorrowful for it.)
Now, I do actually think I have the report log that was filed by the crew against the captain, while it’s not technically related, I think it’s important to point out – do not make your AIs murderous, unless you’re an evil champion or something like that, and if they seem homicidal, stop them: Bored Captain griefs using AI - Grief Patrol / Resolved Grief Patrols - Fulpstation, it’s a bad idea.

The next tale is slightly older, however, it may require some context for non-AI players, which I will freely provide. Basically, while Fulp isn’t that RP based, as an AI, you get to do a lot of RP, it’s one of the fun points of being an AI, being an ever-present story diverter, who is trying to juggle five plotlines at once. So, without further adieu, the story of how I (unknowingly) nuked the president of NT. Of course, there was no president of NT, and no, there were no nukes in that specific round, but it was a slight tangent, it was a lower-threat shift, so we needed a funny way to pass the time. When this happens, I like bringing up things outside of the stations, local traders, merchants, syndicate agents, and of course, unknown enemy stations. Now, in this round, the command were bloodthirsty, not as in stabbing people, but more so they wanted to see fights. So, I describe an unknown vessel approaching the shuttle and ask how the crew would like to deal with it, they asked for a scan, fair enough. I say something is onboard, but whether it’s human or alien I cannot confirm. So, with the joy of a child on Christmas, the HoS screams they wanted it nuked. I do try to calm them, but it’s what some of the crew also want. So the make-believe station is bombed (remember, none of this is real, so people are imagining what’s happening), after which the HoP screams about how it’s a nanotrasen ship and how NT’s president was on board. So, for the rest of the round, we imagined NT was after us (I believe, though I’m not sure, admemes did use NT messages to kind of mirror this RP, so yeah, that was unique and fun.)

Now, there is more, O.H.M. is accidentally prone to RP-based, non-crew homicide in fictional worlds. First, the time I crashed a moon into a planet with bombs because we wanted to do something with bombs… I think it was like we wanted to push ourselves out of orbit or something, regardless, the result was simple, bombs hit the moon, the moon does nuclear fission, the moon approaches the planet. people die because of command incompetence. Now, this exact same thing has happened twice, and both times, they were simple off-station RP accidents that altered the course of the round with NT being a wee bit annoyed at us starting a pseudo-war with NS.

Which brings me to NS, what is NS? Is it Nanotrasen Lite? Well yeah. NS or Northern Survivors if you want to be fancy, is this group of exiles and people created through the tiredness of plenty of green shifts? Their basically Syndicates, except more docile. NS actually didn’t hate NT to begin with, until we bombed their planet (see the story above for context) and of course, we began this idea of a new syndicate group with new tech sabotaging space.
Now this is when O.H.M’s lore scatters. In most rounds, O.H.M. is a salvaged AI, restored from syndicate litter and trash. Their creator is C, Lord of Flames (which in itself originates from another story of me as AI accidentally starting a fire cult with the chaplain, but that’s too dense for just a sidenote), who is an exile from NT. They’re a shadowish figure connected to NT’s original founders. But how does this connect to an AI? Well, there’s an issue with comms where an AI just cuts out and their spreach becomes broken. In this context, O.H.M. is broken, they are more paranoid, fearing others are plotting against them in the static void. This static originates from the fact that C was exiled before O.H.M. was finished, this broken version is O.H.M.-SYND, a harmless but backup module/setting that acts to maintain order and prevent the rise of dictatorship. Their view of NT is quite negative, much like O.H.M.'s regularly is, but because of this static, their mind is blurred, making O.H.M. hate Centcom, feeling like the shuttle is designed for profit over the crew (if of course, the laws allow this). Of course, this is typically done in green shifts, where this can’t pose a distraction or if the round is fresh or nearing its end to help spur on the stuttering RP that’s occurring.

Now, this ties in nicely with the story of the surprise NT health inspection in prison. Basically, a bunch of prisoners tried to harmlessly escape (there was a prisoner overflow) and they got brutally attacked by sec. After multiple people pointed this out (and I made it common knowledge as a reporter bot), NT agents arrived to inspect the prisoners. Sec tried to lock the corpses in a room, however, being the reporter I am, and also wishing to see justice for the prisoners, I opened the door, and like that, most of the sec got fired, and it was probably the calmest orange-shift I have ever seen, no fuss, no panic, just calmness and peace.

Now I have PLENTY more stories, but it’s currently 3:47 am, which means I’ll finish off with a pretty simple story. Sometimes, it’s the sweetest of people in the crew who are overshadowed by the hateful world aboard a broken station, and the opposite is true too, there are some ruthless people (most sec), who will gladly be evil megalomaniacs. So basically, I’m watching (and trying to stop) the chaos unfold as Sec begins to try to establish their generic dictatorship and try to outcompete the captain, the captain is also doing this, but in a far more fun way. The QM and Captain are at each other’s necks as Captain stops QM ordering mindshields (HoP and a random assistant reported flashing sounds, there was no rev, so I have NO clue what they heard) but the paranoia was in place. The captain, being the highest rank tries to shut down the QM’s order and tries to claim they were the reason the station was rich. Now, this leads to a rivalry and eventually, everyone’s distracted with escaping and/or beating each other up to evacuate me, and this is where the sweetness comes in. Without my knowledge, I had a shell which I discovered and used to evacuate myself. The chaos of the ship (which literally slammed through the glass evac window) and the disorder meant I had to protect my shell and my core. I couldn’t reach the front, as someone threw a metric ton of metal foam grenades, so I return to the back but people keep nearly pushing my core out of the shuttle, so I panic and take a seat next to random assistants, who help protect me from the fighting sec forces and everyone else. These assistants basically kept me alive through the whole evac and are the reason I love assistants slightly more than average.

Anyhow, that’s every big and small moment of my AI mess, I could produce more stories later, or I could speak about other roles I play less, depending on what you people want to hear. :grinning:


Now, there is more, O.H.M. is accidentally prone to RP-based, non-crew homicide in fictional worlds. First, the time I crashed a moon into a planet with bombs because we wanted to do something with bombs… I think it was like we wanted to push ourselves out of orbit or something, regardless, the result was simple, bombs hit the moon, the moon does nuclear fission, the moon approaches the planet. people die because of command incompetence. Now, this exact same thing has happened twice, and both times, they were simple off-station RP accidents that altered the course of the round with NT being a wee bit annoyed at us starting a pseudo-war with NS.

I remember the ‘nuking-the-moon-that-nuked-the-planet-full-of-refugees’ incident! If I remember correctly, I was either the moth HoP or the Captain that shift. I can confirm, CC did send some angry messages at us afterwards, and we were paranoid we’d get boarded by a deathsquad. I was in stitches the entire time.
Your roleplay during the whole debacle was stellar, and thinking back on it makes me smile so much. Thank you for being a fun AI O.H.M, having you onboard is always a blast! :saluting_face:

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