Over escalation and killing after stealing a monkey

Byond Account: Blaberface
Character Name(s): Dimitri Ruvic
Discord Name: Blaberface#1069
Round ID: 12564
Griefer Byond account: 
Griefer Byond name: Spicy Legato
What happened: Chef ran into bar area and stole the monkey. Me and another bartender tried to stop the chef and the chef proceeded to kill the other bartender then me when I tried to retrieve the monkey.

Really amazing how 2 grief patrols from 2 bartenders against the same guy for the same rule happened within minutes of eachother. BOTH OF WHICH POSTED WHILE THE ROUND WAS STILL IN PROGRESS AND THERE’S STAFF ONLINE.

Other one here: Chef over escalation

at the time of posting there was not staff on the server hence I posted.

He attacked both of us as well as the hos

at the time of posting there was not staff on the server hence I posted.

This is the literal reason why there is the rule that it has to be at the end of the round, in the first place.

I know they did, I and many others including Koibumi and Masebot observed the whole thing happen, from the fight starting, to the Chef’s execution. That’s how I know that you were talking about the round in progress.

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this was taken care of in round thank you for reporting!