Papaporo Paprito's Mentor application

Byond Account: Papaporopaprito
Character Name(s): Papaporo Paprito
Discord Name: Papaporo Paprito (breadrito currently :bread:)
Age: 19
Timezone: Central Europe (GMT+1)
Active hours: 13:00pm-03:00am (quite variable, but im essentially always available on discord)
Total playtime: around 2300 hours on the server

Departmental knowledge:
My main departments are security, medbay and of course the best single department, janitoria (keeping time dilation low since 2019). Though i essentially have both the core, and deeper knowledge on every department, including a lot of obscure knowledge and hidden tips that are useful for both beginners and older players. I have around 200 hours in every department and can perform and teach every job reliably and have done so already in the past, usually as the head of that department.
I could go into depth about what i could help with, but i feel like my playtime mostly speaks for itself, and therefore i’d consider myself a capable mentor both in knowledge and willingness to teach (Seeing as i already frequently help people in the discord in and outside of the mentor channel).

Things to notice about Fulp:
Really, from all my time in ss13 Fulpstation has always been the most solid server to play on mainly due to its player-base. There’s some truly great people here who i’m glad to have met, and there’s still more new people coming in every day who i’d love to introduce to the game and the server again. Overall i’d say the server could use more administration/tutoring during the downtimes/european hours, but thats about it

Side note: I originally wanted to make this a contributor app so i could work on my spriting projects both old and new, like the moth wings, wintercoats, costumes and the current project i’m working on at GoldenAlpharex’ space pods. The reason why i’m instead applying for mentor is due to the still recent announcement calling for more european staff/mentors, and as a mentor i would still have the resources available to work on those projects anyways; So it seemed like the better option for now.

All in all, thanks for reading, and i hope to be a helping hand to the server once more.


I’ve spent a lot of time with this dude, and I’m the type to publically back the people I trust with the state of fulpstation. I really fuckin mean it when this guy deserves a +1

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Holds a wealth of knowledge, good attitude. Extensive prior mod experience. Clear communicator. Performs mentor assistance to new and old alike already, needs mentor help access to do the job properly. Well liked and respected by many. Passionate Fulp supporter. +1


I still remember him from 2019, and I’m glad to see he is still a good bean.
Very cool guy, but also is able to show autority when needed as shown IC.
Also, one of the best references for silicons.


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+1 but I expect a moth commission out of this.

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Maybe you need a few more hours. Haha I made a funny. +1 and I hope to learn things from ya.

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Better give this cute ass fucking moth mentorship.


+1 from me easy. Pleasure to speak to and watch play. Continue the good behavior, we need more like you.

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Idk, a bit inexperienced for a mentor

For real tho +1, great ingame and on the discord

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Getting involved in the ongoings of current staff has, in my opinion, shown that you haven’t made the changes needed to address the issues that got you removed from staff in the first place. I’m personally not ready to endorse this.

Papa’s super knowledgeable and very nice to interact with. He’s good at keeping his cool and is good at teaching the new folks. +1 from me.

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Papa, you has shown substantial improvement since you were removed the team and anyone put in your position would have left, but you stuck through and improved yourself from what I’ve seen. Because of that you get a +1 in my book.


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Thank you everyone for the support here, i really appreciate all the comments and im happy to have you all around on the server.
Just wanted to say that if i do get a second chance here that i will take that position will all the respect and and responsibility it requires, and that i will continue doing my best for the server in any way i can.
So once again, thanks guys. :bread:

knowing the things that i know about what pap has done recently leads me to believe that they aren’t ready for a leadership position and that they haven’t learned much since prior incidents. -1

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Denied for now. This will be reconsidered if you wish to apply again in a bit.

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