Papersmiles' mentor app

Byond Account:Papersmiles
Character Name(s):Veek-El, Greenlit, Slate
Discord Name:Nikki#3172
Timezone:UTC +3
Active hours: varies (16:00-23:00)
Are you interested in becoming a mod?: no, i don’t play colony management sims. I just want to ban griefers and help new players
How long have you played on Fulpstation? 2 years

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?
Cargo - advanced, medical - advanced, engineering - medium, robotics - medium, silicon - medium

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
the players are nice and the new players are eager to learn. I want to give new players the opportunity to learn new things in a safe, encouraging environment as much as i can and i think as a mentor that will make it easier



What does this even mean? We are all confused about this in mod chat lol

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being a moderator sounds like administrative work, and i’m not jumping at the opportunity to do that

Okay no problem. Mentors don’t ban people though, so we were confused.


Didn’t know. I might have to work my way higher up the ladder then :D

To clarify:

Mentors answer mentorhelp questions and that’s about it. They don’t have access to any admin panels nor are they able to influence the round beyond answering questions when people ask them. They get access to the #staff-bar and a few other channels on Discord.

Mods moderate the server (which includes banning people) as well as grief patrols.

Admins do all the annoying stuff like staff reports and ban appeals.

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I see you online a lot and I can’t recall ever having to bwoink you, so yea +1

This is accepted! Welcome to the mentor team!