Byond Account: Cadunkus
Character Name(s): N/A (This occured outside of a round but if you must know I played Matty and Full Metal Jackie)
Discord Name: Cadunkus
Round ID of Ban: N/A
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: I made a few racy jokes on the discord (I can’t remember exactly what I said, this was last year but I know it was something along the lines of “hot mime gf”) and got perma’d for it. Since then I’d like to get my byond account unbanned from Fulpstation but I don’t really need my discord account unbanned. I’m not going to do it again and in fact won’t even rejoin the discord.
Considering your history of sexual content policy violations and the fact that you were very recently banned from tg, I don’t think you’re being genuine here.