Permanent Ban Appeal 2 (Lazerious)

Byond Account: Lazerious
Character Name(s): James Blackburn
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):lazerious
Round ID of Ban: 27158
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):Screenshot - e62669d26094bcb2654311b61c4c3447 - Gyazo
State your appeal: I made a very bad joke in a lapse of judgement that I really regret. I know the aim of the server is no sexual interactions to allow people of all ages to play and I made a really dumb joke that broke that rule. I’m not a habitually rule breaker. I’ve never been banned on any other servers and have only been boinked like once in my entire playtime in SS13 and I really enjoyed my time on fulpstation. Hoping that you can see from the language used in the actual message that I wasn’t directing it towards any individuals or trying to harass anyone. I just made a shitty edgy joke and I honestly feel bad about it. Appreciate your time.

Normally, a ban like this would not get appealed; however, this appeal is really well written and you haven’t gotten any other bans (at least from servers that use the CCDB) since then, so I believe it when you say that you made a bad joke in a lapse of judgement. That being said, I am adding a watchlist to your account to let other staff members know to put you back on perma if there are any additional rule 3 or 4 violations, so please make are familiar with our sexual content and hate speech policies as a second perma appeal will not likely be reviewed.

You should be able to connect to the server. If not, please let me (or another admin) know.

I greatly appreciate the second chance. I’ll try when I get home from work and let you know. Thanks.

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