Permanent Ban Appeal (Lazerious)

Byond Account: Lazerious
Character Name(s): James Blackburn
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):lazerious
Round ID of Ban: 27158

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Screenshot - e62669d26094bcb2654311b61c4c3447 - Gyazo
State your appeal:
Good Evening,

First off want to apologize for the comments. I had a real lapse of judgement and made that joke based on a radio comment about chef ripping off the monkeys head. Doesn’t excuse it, but I guess I thought the comment wasn’t directed at someone specifically it would just be a very edgy joke. I should have known better and I’m incredibly sorry. Not looking to escape a ban at all since obviously it is very justified. I’m just hoping if there’s any room to make it not permanent. I’ve only been talked to once in SS13 that I can remember for a bad antag antic and I really enjoy the Fulp server.

Sorry again and thanks for taking the time to read this appeal.


Correct. Because this is a valid perma ban, it is not eligible for an appeal until 6 months have passed since the date of the ban. You can file for an appeal in January, though the odds of it being accepted are pretty low.

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