Possible antag rolling

Byond Account:grungussuss
Character Name(s):Aspear Stargeezer
Discord Name:grungussuss
Round ID:31072
Griefer IC name:Larry Laufer
Griefer Byond account (if known):

What happened:joined as med doctor, went to medbay, then straight to dorms to ssd. antagroll?

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ill be honest man most the time antag rolling is killing yourself cause no antag the guy probably just joined but didn’t have the will to play so he left it happens

It was already handled in-round

Edit: You already admin helped this in round, Please dont make Grief patrols about stuff you already admin helped, This is considered admin-shopping

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The mod who dealt with it didn’t mention dealing with it. It’s perfectly reasonable to make a grief patrol in that circumstance.