Rapid98352 Appeal as requested

Byond Account: Rapid98352
Character Name(s): Can't remember (initials were CC though)
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): N/A
Round ID of Ban: 28441

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): “We have reason to suspect this is a ban evasion attempt. Please appeal on the forum if that is not the case”
State your appeal: I accidentally squished a bluespace tomato in my hand, teleported outside perma then an absolute legend of a paramed found me and saved me, healing me in medbay. Pretty tame stuff. As I was heading back to perma, I got banned for ban evasion randomly. I’m appealing like the message said to.

I have no idea why this ban was placed, so I’m removing it. You should be able to connect to the server starting next round.