Rickdude1231 -Job Ban Appeal-

Byond Account: Rickdude1231
Character Name(s): Ristim Bellee
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): T0xin1231#4717
Round ID of Ban: 25298

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): [Banned from Roles: command, Captain, Head of Personnel, Chief Engineer, Quartermaster, Chief Medical Officer, Research Director, Head of Security, security, Warden, Detective, Security Officer permanently - Command 1.1- command must be competent Put the AI on overlord laws which obviously lead to them killing random crew members]
State your appeal: First I just want to clarify, the laws I gave the ai were safeguard laws on command and them killing crew was not intentional , I cant recall perfectly but I’m fairly certain their laws were also to follow command orders (I told them not to harm anyone unless instructed upon by me or the other command members), I believe I also added laws for them to protect crew but I’m not entirely sure.
Second, I believe I have started to understand how AI laws work, and that when making them you should specify and not leave room for interpretation.
Lastly, I understand my history with fulp is fairly bad, I have had off and on days, I feel I’m am starting to understand what is expected, acceptable and not acceptable at this point. At the very least I would like to request that I get unbanned from quartermaster, as its one of the few jobs I actually enjoy playing. I also understand if this ban does not get accepted considering my history, thank you for your time.

I just wanted to clarify, it has been four months since this job ban has been issued.

Correct, and it’s clear that that hasn’t improved since we placed our ban, so this is denied.