ScaryHen3s appeal

Byond Account: ScaryHen3
Character Name(s): ScaryHen3
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): ScaryHen4
Round ID of Ban: 21403

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Calling people cracker welder bombing and just towing the line of self antaging to mess with sec
State your appeal: I was just new to the game and decided to troll, Ive played other games similar to it now and now have a respect for the gameplay and wont do it again

It’s been a year, so I’m willing to give you another shot; however, if you break the server rules again, you will be put back on a perma ban, so please make sure you are familiar with them before you re-join. You should be able to join next round. If not, please let me (or another admin) know.