Sec-Officer using lethals 4no raisin

Byond Account: Wowheisasian
Character Name(s): Fritz Hermanns
Discord Name: Vineuro (chaotic good bi guy)
Round ID: 21771
Date: 18/08/2022
Griefer IC name: Frost Whitelock
Griefer Byond account (if known): -

What happened: As a sec-officer shot lethals at botanist Chance Stamos asking them why they killed HoS, despite them not showing signs of aggression. Proceeded to seemingly try to throw them out of the escape shuttle. After crew helped Chance, Frost threw a flashbang and later, as far as I can tell, harmbatoned another botanist. (no screenshots, but this happened during escape shuttle transit)

Another dumb thingy that round: The bsa got fired at the freaking bar

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(This was the highest quality I could get it to without wasting my time)

Also, here are some screenshots of the BSA incident



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dealt wuith thanks