Somebody stop this man

Byond Account: SilverBoi
Character Name(s): Silvina
Discord Name: Silvina
Round ID: 30857
Date: 15/02/2024
Griefer IC name: Keith Alex [Blue(Paradox clone)]
Griefer Byond account (if known): FoxUkraine

What happened: Spawned in as a paradox clone, rushed gear and killed a lone op. Also on multiple seperate rounds power games sec equipment and traitor gear

[He can’t keep getting away with this.gif]

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Don’t know for sure but from timestamps and round announcements channel;

Round ID for first screenshot: 30617 on 30/01/2024
Round ID for second screenshot: 30605 on 29/01/2024

The issue on round 30857 is not rule breaking. The other instances, are not submitted in a way I’m going to look into. Thank you for reporting!