Someone You Don't Know's Mentor Application

Byond Account: Someone You Dont Know42
Character Name(s): Jack Strong
Discord Name: Someone You Don’t Know#5715
Age: 19
Timezone: EST
Active hours: Depends on the day but either 3-9am EST or 1-5pm EST
Are you interested in becoming a mod?: No

How long have you played on Fulpstation?
I believe I started playing around August of 2022 which would be around 6-7 months and since then I’ve accumulated 258 hours in the game.

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?
I’ve got a lot of knowledge about a variety of different things thanks to delving the wikis and pushing myself to learn new things.
My most familiar departments are service, science, and silicon but I do know a lot of chemistry and some surgery as well in medical. I’ve also played enough to know the basics of every department (including command) except engineering/atmos, though I still know construction decently well. My most played role at the moment is prisoner which allowed me to learn how to do a lot of different things in tandem with each other without having to worry about department boundaries or access restrictions since I could use anything that was inside perma to do whatever I wished.
If I were to post screenshots of all my tracked hours it would take 2 entire screenshots to capture everything since I’ve at least tried almost every role for an entire round.

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
There is a LOT to learn in this game and it can be extremely overwhelming to try to learn an entire department or sub department by yourself but Fulp helps to foster a community that tries to teach people new things about the game and I already help people out a lot with learning new things that I had been taught myself so it makes sense to make it official, especially considering how often I answer questions in the “ask mentors” channel of the discord.
Also, there are a lot of things even with departments people are familiar with that obscure enough that veterans may not know so it would be nice and fun for people to be able to push the boundaries of their knowledge to make the station more able to understand each other’s jobs so they can better assist each other since the more obscure parts of jobs often require collaboration with other jobs and/or departments.
Also, there is a TON of off topic discussion in “ask mentors” on discord that could cause confusion amongst people actually looking for help.
Something in game I’ve also noticed is probably 95% acting captains break command 2.2

-1 from me for the criticisms rant about rolling antag a few weeks ago and for posting in criticisms entirely too much in general.

We reviewed this app and the glaring issue is even after being told by a senior mod you were getting a -1 due to using criticism to much there was another post in criticism 20minutes ago from the time of me writing this. We expect our mentors to be able to guide new players and interact with them in a positive way. When you talk about how you don’t like how sec/command/ai/ect played it is not conducive to helping guide new players and showing you’d be a good mentor. One final issue is a good amount of the posts in criticism are about not liking x,y,z while also not offering any way to fix it or making prs to change these problems.
