2023-04-12 12:29:25 | fulpstation | Round 25421 | HazyAssaulter | 16h Living Playtime
there was an admin note left for me regarding going into the hops office and adding access. I was made a security officer that round from assistant, and my id was missing vital security access to the brig. the hop mistakenly left that access off I believe. Brig access is needed to get into the sec area. After the station was attacked by pirates, I went to the hop’s office to get my id fixed. seeing the console logged in, and then hearing about the hop going ssd, I went to fix my id, not providing any additional access a sec officer would not normally have. I ask that this note be removed as I was not abusing my given role on the station. Thanks!
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Right place to file a staff report is at: Ban Appeal Template and how to make a staff report
Notes can only be appealed through staff reports.