Tenebris1 Mentor aplication

Byond Account: Tenebris1
Character Name(s): Hank Weinstein
Discord Name: erik30015
Age: 19
Timezone: GMT-3
Active hours: I dont really have a schedule I guess weekends sometimes
Are you interested in becoming a mod?: No, not for now.

How long have you played on Fulpstation?:
3 year from 2021, damn
in matters of playtime:

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?

Medical: I know the basics of fixing people, the surgery, how to use and set the cryopods, how to do chemistry and the effects of most reagants, the specifics of each race(even the rare or exotic ones) and their specific issues.

Cargo: I know most stuff about mining, the threats about lavaland and how the new boulder mining system works(and to turn on the damned boulder retrieval thing), bitrunning and the quirks of some of the maps, the events that can happen to the cargo shuttle if loaned, how to gamble with the stock market of materials, and the crates.

Service: I know mostly about the chaplain sects and what they do in specific, somewhat know about botany(what each plant stat do, what some chemicals do to the plants, what plants mutate into what), how to cook food and supply the bar of nutriment, but not really about bartendering.

Engineering(and atmospherics): I know how to make machines and computers, and most structures, how to link new machinery to the thing that holds all the materials of the station(I forgot the name), how to set up the SM but not in deept, some gas interactions and what most common gas do, how to clear the bad gasses from the air, how to make tritium and collect it.

outside of departments, I know about the antagonists, what they can end up doing and what they cant, what most equipment can do and how to use it. Rat kings are the best, I know how they can order their rats to do their bidding(wich works with stuff you tame as a human or any other 2 armed being!).

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
its been a long time since any live fulp moments, some years ago those were daily. but now everything is just calm, mostly low pop shifts with other people who try new stuff, or just do what they know again and again with some variety, with the ocasional greytide who tries to robust everyone in sight. I hope the flower man itself sees this, its been a long ride, and I thank Guillaume Prata for making me sell the first part of my soul to all of you.

-1 Powergamer
+2 powergamer

thats alot of science hours :eyes:

+1 your gonna be able to teach so many people with this knowledge

This has been handled thanks for the report