Thecatlover Ban Appeal

Byond Account: Thecatlover
Character Name(s): Fluffy
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Thecatlover 
Round ID of Ban: 26659

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (Thecatlover) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is: Core 1, 3 Refused to change IC name from “Fluffy” after being told to do so and, completely umprompted, mentioned that you like furry porn in IC chat. Round 26643 on 6.25.23 This ban (BanID #38392) was applied by Horatio22 on 2023-06-26 17:08:33 during round ID 26659. This is a permanent ban.
State your appeal: When I first created by character, I had set my name as Fluffy and played for a week before getting notified the my name was improper and should be changed. However, I never really thought much about the notification and continued to play for a while without getting bothered about my name again. On 6/25/23 I was playing and was arrested by security, and due to having to leave the game soon, I decided to die as I was crit. Feeling giddy, I had my final words be “I like Furry Porn” in IC chat. I am upset with myself and my actions for allowing myself to get this ban. I am currently working on controlling myself so that this doesn’t happen again.

I am about to leave on a 3 week roadtrip, and I am just submitting this appeal so that it can hopefully be processed before I am back home.

You’ve been talked to 6 times on fulp before even hitting 100 hours. One of the first things we asked you to do was to use a more MRP name. I can’t see things changing anytime soon you can try to appeal this again in 6 months.