Tripple Triad Insta RRing

Byond Account:Ravin Hobo
Character Name(s):Kara Bear
Discord Name: Highland Cow
Round ID:32130
Griefer IC name:John Ash(tot), Keith Alex(hypno’d), Tristan Werry(idk self antagging?)
Griefer Byond account (if known):Saccyx,FoxUkraine

What happened: I joined the round as hos when I joined there were no command and no security, I made my way to my office immediately and there were 3 people hiding in my office I fled as soon as I saw them locking one of them into perma lockdown with me he killed me and when the other 2 linked back up they began discussing what to do with me and came to the conclusion to borg me which I’ve been told counts as RR as I didn’t want to be rr’ed 20 seconds into my round I didn’t enter the mmi then later they a new sec off joined and they did the same thing to them and used a shard on my body dusting it.

Apologies for the killing.

In my defense, when you went to your office i immediately assumed the worst and stunning you wasnt exactly an viable option so we killed you, as for the sharding you already hit “do not resuscitate” at that point, and i also wasnt there when that happened.

I reread guide to killing and admin ruling but all i could find was that round removal was simply not allowing the player to play in the round anymore (by killing), i kept searching for borging rules but i couldnt find anything so i persume borging was allowed as you got to keep playing with the same brain. Of course i could be wrong though

I went DNR about 10 minutes after you sharded my body it just said soulless cause you took out my fucking brain

I asked in ask-mods and they said it counts as RR

I play robotics and it said your brain was inactive so i automatically assumed you hit “dont resuscitate”

no i just didn’t click return to body when I was a ghost cause I didn’t want to help you powergame on lowpop with no sec and command

I thought powergaming was relaxed for antags

don’t mean I have to help you powergame

You dont have to help me power game, and that wasnt my point either, i was explaining why i was planning an borging you and why i thought you were inactive

Aside from that i have been to reddit and this is devolving into what seems to be an “reddit arguement”

Agreed unnecessary convo

Glad we can agree!

This has been taken care of, thanks for reporting!