Viktor's mentor application 2 (I had a prophetic dream that this would happen)

Byond Account:
Character Name(s): Viktor Vertigo / Djikstra (A.I)
Discord Name: Viktor Vertigo
Age: 21
Timezone: central european time
Active hours: approximately 16:00 - 22:00, may vary
Are you interested in becoming a mod?: no, I am not very good at having authority…

How long have you played on Fulpstation?
I started during covid, in 2020. So it’s over three years now.

What departments are you able to be a mentor for? Can you elaborate on your experience in those departments?
I confess I still do not consider myself to be a master of any department, but I have decent experience with most of them:

Here are the most notable ones:
ENGINEERING - Station engineer is one of my favourite jobs, and I can, well, build stuff, and set up the supermatter and solars, and pretty much whatever else there might be to build (though in cases like tcomms it will take me a little while of staring at the machines first). Now for atmos I can’t say that… I know the theory reasonably well, but haven’t been very successful synthesizing even the most basic of gases in practice…
MEDICAL - I don’t roll medical that much, but I can do surgeries, chemistry and chemical factories (though I start having problems with plumbing once temperature becomes involved…), and virology. What I think I need most is simply more practice, as I said, I don’t roll it too much, but I think I should be able to guide someone through it.
SCIENCE - I believe myself to be a good roboticist, I already mentioned surgeries, and making the rest of robotics stuff is pretty trivial. I can do xeno, but I don’t have that much experience with its most advanced features. Had fun with nanites back when they were in the game originally, but not since we have readded them. Haven’t done toxins, I mean ordnance, in a long, long time, so my knowledge of that is out of date, unfortunately.
SERVICE - Janitor is my favorite, I think I know what there is to know about that. I can do botany, I used to make synthflesh tomatoes and homegrown thermite, but not too much more complex than that.
SILICON - Is this a department? Anyway, AI is one of my most played jobs, I am quite confident I know its intricacies. Though i’ve heard one time a good AI player knows atmos well, and I’m not sure that really applies to me…

What are some things you’ve noticed as a player on Fulp?
Uhhhh fulp rhymes with gulp. On a more serious note, never stepped foor in another server so I can’t compare it, but I’ve always felt content at Fulpstation, and now that I am active in the game again, thought I might as well reapply for mentor to help answer a question here and there.

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I dont think i ever seen you beforee

this guy is pretty awesome tbh


Has done great contributions to the server both as a player and to the codebase, wholehearted +1

+1 A good AI and I haven’t seen you do anything bad

Welcome back!