Wackycoolguy ban appeal

Byond Account: wackycoolguy
Character Name(s): Narky Sharky
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): No thanks
Round ID of Ban: 13541/13543 (ban message gives me two different IDs)
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): https://i.imgur.com/YJQhpOR.png
State your appeal: So I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been banned if I had never Ahelped when someone was blatantly breaking the rules and brigging me for way longer than I deserved (7 minutes) simply based on my race. I had a minor crime where I had assaulted an inmate (one punch) that had allegedly attacked the captain. Now the ban message says I was "lying" about the inmate attacking the captain, but what it fails to address is that the warden (or some person in some other fancy sec clothes) had been talking for a while IC about this moth attacking the captain and I believed it as the warden is my superior and in a trusted role. Look at the logs and you'll find that he had been talking about how the moth had attacked the captain. I was simply regurgitating what he was saying. After I looked at his vitals and determined he was at a safe health threshhold, I playfully hit him ONE TIME (does barely ANY damage.) Yeah, I shouldn't have done it; but it was handled IC and I was thrown into the brig, and it should've stayed IC.

Until the HoS set my timer for 7 minutes, and when I ask why literally mentions my race (“because youre a catgirl”) so I ahelp this. I haven’t played in months, so I’m not sure if space law has changed (im not gonna open the damn book every time I open space station after a long break) but I haven’t even been given 7 minutes for using explosives or even attempted murder, so 7 whole minutes for a playful poke seemed a little excessive. So I ahelped, Horatio22 said he was “on it” and so I waited. And then he starts talking about something completely unrelated, my conduct in chat. Now, I just like to have a bit of fun, and this was a joke, but I parodied the “usual” felinid playstyle, of acting really dumb and uwu-ish. None of this was a problem before I ahelped, but suddenly it was. And I understood. Whenever a admin tells me to stop doing xyz shit I stop doing xyz shit. And I stopped, so I thought everything was all good.

I thought, “Ah, I got a warn, I got too carried away. I’ll be more relaxed now.” I got to the end of the round without another warn or notification of any ban being carried out or anything. I try to join back a few hours later and I’m banned, without any indication that my actions would result in this. I was respectful in admin DMs and everything, even if I asked some questions, I was just curious about how certain things I had done related at all to my original ahelp or why it got ignored/rejected.

Additionally, there was something about a lizard. I don’t know why they brought this up, because the lizard was already nearly dead/in crit by the time I was saying it so it didn’t even matter that I was “encouraging” this player to kill him (because that dude was gonna kill him regardless of what I said or not) but it seemed like this admin was digging through my entire history in this round just to give more reason to perm ban me, even if a lot of it was lacking context.

Just to add, “soliciting” “random playerS” (players PLURAL) in the ban message is such a dramatization. I made one joke about “uwu who wants to be my owner xD” and the ban reason acts like I was roleplaying a whole schtick about humping peoples legs and begging them to be my owner or something. Or something about a cat womb installation. I mean, who would legitimately take that seriously? I understand if it’s against your rules but I don’t think it warrants a perm ban. Maybe a month or a few weeks for improper chat conduct and random assault, which is what I actually deserve to be banned for. Just don’t make stuff up.

The formatting is weird AF my bad.

You just admitted to saying some really bad stuff, while not reading space law is fine, reading the rules is important before you join a round.

and the ban reason acts like I was roleplaying a whole schtick about humping peoples legs and begging them to be my owner or something. Or something about a cat womb installation. I mean, who would legitimately take that seriously?

Us, yes we take the server rules on sexual content and the players seriously, who would have known…

the lizard was already nearly dead/in crit by the time I was saying it so it didn’t even matter that I was “encouraging” this player to kill him (because that dude was gonna kill him regardless of what I said or not)

Still is encouraging others to break rules.

Denied, you can appeal this “perma” again in a month.