Wanna speed up my ban by reducing it by 2 hours

Byond Account:TheSmithClan
Character Name(s):Zoe Sandys
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):
Round ID of Ban:27447

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):round id 27447 as a non antag crewmember, beat a doctor to death for attempting to stop them from breaking medical doors. take another break to read the rules. this ban (BanId #38881) was applied by mokostar on 2023-08-08 and lasts 7 days.
State your appeal: i just wanna get quickly back into the game as i have less than 2 hours left
this is a hit or miss, you may deny, or aprove.

We don’t do ban reductions unless the ban was out off progression; additionally, it usually takes at least a half day for a van to be reviewed.

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