What questions regarding medical department did you have/currently have?

Extra glasses are in med storage, a box spawns there full of them roundstart.

Plumbing is complicated, but not that complicated. If you can work the regular chemistry machines in the pharmacy then you already know most of it.

Synthesizers will pump one single ingredient into a pipenet, so to make oil you would need 3 synthesizers, one for each welding fuel carbon and hydrogen.

Then you add reaction chambers and set it to intake the chems (for example carbon welding fuel and hydrogen) and it outputs into the pipenet.

Then you have chemical presses, which will output whatever is in the pipenet into patches pills or bottles etc.

Chems will not react in pipes, rather they “teleport” to machines that are “calling” for them. This is why you’ll see a lot of chemists pipe things on one singular net.

The gist is just automating things. Each machine can do one singular step automatically.

Screw made an excellent guide where he goes into detail here: