Xxx_epicgamer_xxX new Appeal

Byond Account: Xxx_epicgamer_xxX
Character Name(s):Ash Smith I think
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): The Creep
Round ID of Ban: 33486

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

State your appeal:

Ok from what I remember I called someone the f word as the clown when he was attacking me I think.
I understand I have broken the 4th rule of the core rules and I have no excuse for why I said it honestly, what else can I say besides I apologize and im not a homophobic person, I dont know why I said it.

to be perfectly honest at the time I was talking to by friend on discord and we talk to each other like its a mw2 trash talk lobby and it kinda must have slipped out which it really should not have done, I did not mean to really actully offend this person irl or anyone else.

it may seem from just getting unbanned that day to that I do not care either which is not true I really what to hit home with this, when I was told to read the rules I did read them before playing and I was playing cautiously anyway, right before I was banned I got bwoinked for letting off a tank of somthing in med as a blood brother and I thought that was me done tbh. but luckly I apoligized and it was ok and I only did that as the blood brother because my target was a doctor and I thought it would be ok, but now I know.

anyway when I said the word, it was a slip up simply because of my trash talk with my friend I never really play while talking anyway just because I just got unbanned I was talking to him, but the rules are rules and I have broken them and it may seem I am homophobic from a outside perspective which is false.

im not going to write down loads of excuses because there are none really I said the bad word and broke one of the main rules of the server and im very sorry about this, I want to learn from this mistake.
what I said was offensive and wrong and I does not represent who I actually am as a person and I understand why I have broken this rule and have been banned. I fully understand why this ban appeal may not work due to my history already being on thin ice, but I really do want to change and show im not a bad guy, and with time I can be a better player. I really do care about this server and did not mean any disrespect on anyone but I will respect any decision that is made and learn from it.

thank you for reading.

Considering the long, long list of Nazi-related bans you’ve earned from other servers, this ban is going to stay in place.