Ancient Rome meme Ckey Perma ban appeal

Byond Account: CarthagoDelendaEst
Character Name(s): idk
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): don't use
Round ID of Ban: 25174

Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

Banned by host: You, or another user of this computer or connection (CarthagoDelendaEst) is banned from playing here. The ban reason is :25174 - Bad CKey, Its a genocide reference. Explain yourself on the forums at: This ban (BanID #37225) was applied by Zhepyrlion on 2023-03-28 13:17:48 during round ID 25174. This is a permanent ban.

State your appeal:

Carthage does not exist, and if any Punic people are in the admin team I welcome them to comment down below as to why a meme name phrase that Cato the elder said after every speech stays perma banned. The reason the admin Zherion whatever took notice was because I complimented the admins for being nice.

  1. Est is the third-person singular present active indicative form of the verb esse; here, the person (third) and number (singular) of the verb are controlled by the subject noun, Carthago.
  2. To be clear, the semantic import of “Carthage is to be destroyed” is not “Carthage is scheduled for future destruction,” but rather that “Carthage must be destroyed.” The former is a flaccid recital of a future eventuality; the latter is a normative statement of what needs to happen, of [moral desert]. That is the deontic modality. See, e.g., Risselada, Rodie. Imperatives and Other Directive Expressions in Latin: A Study in the Pragmatics of a Dead Language. Brill Academic Publishers, 1993. p. 179. Print. (noting that the periphrastic gerundival construction “has a general deontic value.”

here is a cato the elder quote

" [Those who are serious in ridiculous matters will be ridiculous in serious matters.]"

Key aside, can you explain the circumstances behind this Bee ban?

I knew you would bring that up how funny

I noticed that you responded quickly then stopped waiting for my response, I see that this thread will get some traction given my name and the title. The joke was about holocaust deniers not denial itself, that was 2 years ago from a different account. You can try to get a rise out of me which you are trying to do by banning me for this bee station ban. This never had anything to do with fulp and you guys know it. I took the ban, ever since I’ve been on and off on fulp never having an issue till now. Deny or appeal or take a shower

Crossbanning for things like joking about the holocaust is something we do, nothing to do with trying to get a rise out of you. We can’t investigate what happened on Bee, but since you claim it was a nothingburger and nothing to make a fuss over, it shouldn’t be an issue for you to have it appealed over there. You are welcome to try to make another appeal here once that is accepted.