Appeal for ApTyBm7

Byond Account: ApTyBm7
Character Name(s): Joel Powers
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): ApTyBm7 #5954
Round ID of Ban: 21078
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):

Hello, this isn’t really another ban appeal and I’m sorry for the confusion, but I didn’t know where to ask this. I appealed for the ban above last week on this post,Ban appeal for ApTyBm7, it was denied as the admin said I couldn’t appeal twice, however I was told on my first appeal I could re-appeal in september. Because I couldn’t write a comment and didn’t see a way to DM de admin I’m making another post for communicating the confusion. I hope my ban will be reconsidered and my accident using wrong english vocabulary be forgiven.

Where? Nowhere in your previous ban appeal does it say you can appeal in 2 months (normally we require 6 months minimum), and in your first permaban appeal, Guil explicitly told you it was unlikely that a second appeal would be accepted. Accepting a second perma ban appeal if both previous bans were correctly placed is not something we generally do. This is denied.