Byond Account: B0rk386
Character Name(s): Giacomo/Urist/Fixer/Anton
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): Aquarius
Round ID of Ban: 29178
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: I recognize that what I said was against the rules, although I should note this was after an ongoing dispute with another player whose ticket was filed after roundend. I was infuriated at the end of the round, and shouldn’t have made such statements, but as mentioned after the round ended, I couldn’t think straight and was angry after all that had happened, to the point where it interfered with my thinking. I know with certainty now that even threats of such behavior is not to be tolerated, and no further mistakes of that kind shall be made.
I would also like to highlight that this behavior came at the tailend of a different dispute with another player who broke the rules, and was by no means normal or typical behavior from me. As for the prior interaction with another player, I was new to AI at the time and didn’t have a good grasp on just what I had done. I find it a little dishonest to characterize my general interactions with other players as hostile, and I feel a little bit startled just one statement of such can do so much damage, even considering the circumstances.