Ekaterina von Russland Head of security griefing

Everything in this post is either blatantly false, badly distorted or taken out of context.

The user known as “MadKunt”, at the time playing as “Larry Lord”, is a self-antagger and attempted griefer, though he is not entirely at fault, only partially, as he believed, at the time, that a changeling could not disguise himself as the captain (this will become relevant later), and as such my reasoning did not seem, to him, to make sense. He may also be metagrudging.
This user spent a significant part of the round trying to smear the HoS, myself, saying such things as that I was mistreating prisoners, a blatantly false statement as two of the prisoners can attest to - they were, in fact, not mistreated, and they were paroled for good behaviour. I cannot determine why he did this, and suspect metagrudging.
At one point, this user walked into the brig and tried to sneakily drag me off, possibly thinking I wasn’t paying attention. I was, and I spoke, at which point he told me to go with him, alone, into a private room (the last time this happened to me, it was a traitor trying to assassinate me (as I found out in the end round pop-up)). This naturally seemed suspicious to me, especially in combination with the fact that I had been advised earlier (which at the end round I discovered was false) that there were changelings. This seemed to be true, as there was a suspicious amount of monkeys. Unbeknownst to this user, changelings can disguise themselves as the captain and use mindshields, as I found out the hard way in the past. Due to this suspicious behaviour, I said that I suspect the “captain” of being a changeling in disguise. He then proceeded to further these suspicions by trying (and failing) to assault me and/or to get others to assault me, and smearing me further in common communications.
It’s worth noting that there were no admins or moderators online at this time, which made my plan of using a communications console to ask centcomm for permission to arrest and demote the captain impossible (I even asked mentors if there was a way to get centcomm permission with no admins online). In the absence of any centcomm, I asked the other heads but they did not reply either.
Later in the round, comms went down. The AI called out via announcement that the “captain” (at this time a suspected ling) was trying to subvert the AI. Naturally, we assumed the worst. I told security to respond (specifically with me - anyone who went separately was not following my orders), and when comms went back up recalled all security, especially those who were not with me, telling them not to kill the captain, but to arrest him so that we can investigate. It was announced that the captain was dead. I do not know who or what killed him, but it was most definitely not me - I was still at the brig and/or detective’s office, embarrassing as it may be that our response was not swift. I ordered that the body be brought to the brig so that we could investigate, but, at that point, the escape shuttle had arrived and we had no time.
I discovered only after the end of the round that the captain was not a changeling, which makes it all the more strange how he acted so suspiciously and in such a hostile manner towards me, which leads me to suspect that he is metagrudging.

His statement that I killed multiple people is blatantly false - the only thing I killed was a monkey, non-sentient to my knowledge, who was attacking a prisoner in permabrig. I ordered only one execution (I’ve been told by mentors that in the absence of a captain and acting captain, the duty of executions falls to the HoS), of a mime who was caught assaulting a head, killing another, and trying to kill my warden as well.

I move that this report be summarily disregarded, and that punishment for MadKunt be considered at the administrators’ discretion.

Further, I submit a report of my own:

Byond Account: Ekaterina von Russland

Character Name(s): Larry Lord

Discord Name: none

Round ID: same round as above

Griefer Byond account: Mad kunt

Griefer Byond name: Mad kunt

What happened: described above; TL;DR: self-antagging captain, possible metagrudging.