EosStation: New map feedback request

What are those two big glass pens in bridge and warden office? Also, from whole perspective map looks squary. But i like it inner design.

They are play pens for the pets

Ah, i thought these was the places to have fist fights.

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It could be if you want

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waaah armory with no contraband locker wtf where is my free mateba every round
oh also bridge looks more like a panic room because of the fact theres no glass there, would be cool if there was some glass in the main part of it so you can actually look outside, and its kinda logical to make it so theres a way to view the ai satellite as command
and what is the secure weapons box supposed to be in HOS’s office
oh also bomb test chamber next to departures isnt exactly the best idea

The prob I find is that I can add windows but they will just look at the asteroid rock which is a feature in this map so I’ve taken away windows for an elaborate asteroid maze but I’ll look into adding more

As far as the maxcap goes, I’ve tested it with 10 of them and it is safe (thank you indestructible wall)

I think hyper fixium is not indestructible, just has a shitload of hp and same texture as centcom wall, but surviving 20 max caps is impressive and ot might be invincible

the crate is a “formal uniform create”

oh. i think it should be placed in warden’s office or firing range because i dont know it seems cool or some shit

only hos shall distribute the drip

I love the layout of medical!
Top work broski

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ty ty

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  • lack of glass doors
  • cant enter medbay lobby without access
  • drains power like a bitch
  • SM SMESes are unconnected
  • no engie apparel vendor
  • fight club madness mask is a real madness mask

there was a Jacobs lader in the boxing ring and there is a not working disposal pipe in cargo (a missing disposal pipe).

2021-06-20 16_28_17-Fulpstation_ Zybourne Summer Tomb Kilo

Solars don’t have control computers and SMES is missing it’s terminal preventing any power from reaching the station from the panels

The vacant room. The one with the chess figures have too much pressure. And the maintiance hatch that leads to xenobio can be accesed by anyone who has maints acces.

actually seems like none of the smes are correctly connected

this vent is ultra dangerous as with a multilayer configuration for the space cooling itll easily send out SM gases to distro although im not sure if theres even a pipe connected to the vent roundstart

  • No windoors at botany to stop people hopping the counter

  • Botanist couldn’t use the shutter button

  • Grav Gen SMES isnt connected at all but its terminal still takes power in, and usually the grav gen APC isnt wired to the main power line

what the fuck is this apc