FulpStation Station Feedback

This maints door above cusutodial office does not open to maints access.

Intentional since it’s the janitor’s backroom, but the rest should be fixed


This is super useful feedback! I made some changes to the kitchen (including an ordering console and putting the processor on a table, for startesr) that will hopefully make the space a little easier to use.

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Northeast solars have a lot of wire coils dropped on them - seems to me like the intention was to have each stack only contain a single wire, not a full stack.

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medical encryp key in engi sec outpost

this door

Brig doors are supposed to have airlock cycling

these pipes lol

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tables in this maintroom are indestructible


no surgical tools in surgery rooms

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No idea if these were caused by stuff happening in the hour long round but I’ll post them anyway

Arrivals and what I presume to be the ferry dock both have north public access on regardless of their facing.

The shutters would look better if the glass adjacent to them was a wall/r-wall, wouldn’t affect visibility much either.

Windoors inside the walls on cell 3, unsure if this was there roundstart.

Not necessarily a big problem, but it seems to me the AI satellite has very few (one) AI displays, usually the place is filled to the brim with them. Status displays too… The walls look very empty without them.

  • There’s publicly available sunglasses in library’s Quiet Room

  • Ancient cult armour aviablable to anyone with maint access below command

  • Medbay kept freezing itself across the shift presumably because of the freezer

AI sat is wired directly to the station so when power goes out AI sat will turn off.

Also this is a weird shutter configuration

no vision for AI in this area

Seemed to me that there was very little janitorial tools in the closet at roundstart, no grenade, no spray bottles, no belts… Maybe someone took them already, but that seems improbable.

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They’re there! They must have been taken early

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bar lounge apc not connected

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the slimes like to go for little walks outside the pens

missing cams, overall low amount of cams for AI, camera in disposals (normally there isn’t one I think?)



2 of the same secbots?

no windoor in front of ORM?

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bar lounge APC is still without external power

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The camera disposal one is normal, selene is also another map with a camera in disposals

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Would be nice if the chamber monitor was in direct line of sight with the chamber itself(circle is my suggested area)

Distro thermomachines are off on roundstart
Screenshot (2564)
HFR Access on Turbine Door

An RCD at arrivals? This seems a bit dangerous

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