Grief patrol horatio22

Byond Account: bluememesauce
Character Name(s): xinyi zhao
Discord Name: banned 
Round ID: 12072
Griefer Byond account: horatio22
Griefer Byond name: Montague Joyce
What happened: permanently muting people from OOC and deadchat for minor offenses

Horatio22 permanently muted me from OOC and deadchat because I was talking about another server, even though there was only a single other person in deadchat. I was just having a conversation and I was not even trying to advertise anything. I didn’t know that it was against the rules to talk about other servers, so once he bwoinked me I learned that it was against the rules and I would never do it again.

I had already learned my lesson to not talk about other servers once he simply bwoinked me, but for some reason Horatio22 randomly gave me a permanent mute, 1 hour after I had logged off.

this same admin has a history of permanently muting people from OOC and deadchat for minor offenses. Permabanned from the OOC
without warning over a conversation about MRP

Horatio22 is permanently muting people for minor offenses and they probably shouldn’t be admin

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banned thanks for the report.
Obviously not you muppet, make a staff report