Grief report round 31677

Byond Account: bigdongpingpong
Character Name(s): X-5
Discord Name: Rod
Round ID: 31677
Date: 08/04/24
Griefer IC name: Axl Brady Sebastian Jewell
Griefer Byond account (if known): SinfulBliss, SmokeyCat

What happened: I’ve always had my suspicious about Axl and Sebastian being meta buddies. Matter in fact, i’ve watched a couple rounds, where i was ghost, where Axl would get vassalized by Sebastian almost instantly and consensually. This, of course, made me be suspicous towards them. Now axl is known for being robust and quick acting, he is also known for playing sec, and this where the problems start showing: When I was AI and allowed to aid sec, and sebastians was an antag of some sort, I would broadcast Sebastian’s location to Axl, Sebatian would be tagged wanted and extremly vulnerable for someone as robust as Axl. Axl would, in my eyes, CLEARLY let him go, he would look at him, back away then half half heartedly try something, to cover it up. First time this happened, i didn’t report it, so i have no proof, but i kept a mental note.

Well this round it happen again. Same situation, sebastian wanted, me the AI broadcasting his location, axl going in, looking at him, backing away and letting him pretty much go. Not only that, he ran after him into maints, only to get immediately vassalized without a crying for help in common or sec comms. I know this because i was watching his sensors, he turned them off right after going into maints.

Now theres nothing wrong being friends with someone, but theres something WRONG about meta budding so you can be antag partners and power game out the wazoo, killing a bunch of people in the process, on a mrp server.

Now, theres a lot to go through this round, axl and sebastian may have murderboned and round removed a bunch of people, but i don’t know the details fairly well and i want to keep this somewhat short.


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I’ve never consensually gotten vassalized, and I’ve never aided an antagonist just because they were a friend OOC.

Well this round it happen again. Same situation, sebastian wanted, me the AI broadcasting his location, axl going in, looking at him, backing away and letting him pretty much go. Not only that, he ran after him into maints, only to get immediately vassalized without a crying for help in common or sec comms. I know this because i was watching his sensors, he turned them off right after going into maints.

This is not what happened. I heard a callout on sec comms that Sebastian was in engi. I’m not sure what he did or why, but I go there anyways to arrest him. I see him with an assistant outfit and an engi ID, which is pretty suspicious, and I try to arrest him, throwing a bola. He retreats into engi and closes the door behind him, and I shoot at him from the window (I don’t have engi access).

None of this is “letting him pretty much go,” I’m actively trying to arrest him. The AI (I assume that’s you) says he’s going into maints, and I go into maints after him. I had mesons on, which I found from maint, since bloodsuckers were called out and they help with seeing bases. I see him open a false wall – I open it after him and chuck a flashbang. He closes another false wall and dodges the flashbang, but because I had kept my mesons on I get stunned. He shovestuns me and aggro grabs, I resist out, shovestunned again, t3 grabbed, then I get blinded and paralyzed (I think from Dominate).

At that point I get killed and fullstripped. That’s why my sensors went off. He revives me on the persuasion rack, but he forgot to remove my bowmans, so I call out on sec comms the exact location of the base and that he’s a bloodsucker. You would have seen this message. Then he removes my bowmans and thralls me. If I lost intentionally then why would I call him out and tell the whole secteam where the base was, even after I knew I would probably be getting thralled?

Keep in mind this accusations aren’t “1 guy said so” type thing. Multiple people have, in fact, stated the same concern, without me ever influencing them or try to get out something of them.

You seem to have this mentality about the game, where your only objective is to push the rules as far as possible, so you can power game and win as much as possible, because you think someone’s is counting, for some reason.

This makes multiple people down right avoiding you, including me, since they know they won’t have a good experience with you.

You can’t be bothered following simple orders/rules. You can’t be bothered working together and interacting with someone if that doesn’t lead you to green text. Etc etc.

In my opinion, your mentality doesn’t align with the bare minimum mrp stance.

Keep in mind this accusations aren’t “1 guy said so” type thing. Multiple people have, in fact, stated the same concern, without me ever influencing them or try to get out something of them.

You’re accusing me of losing intentionally because I died in a 1v1 against a 2000+ hr bloodsucker in a fight you didn’t even see. Lying about the fact I never called for help, and making up things like “he turned off his sensors right after going into maints,” just to mislead the mods that have to investigate this, is incredibly bad faith.

You can’t be bothered following simple orders/rules. You can’t be bothered working together and interacting with someone if that doesn’t lead you to green text. Etc etc.

If the order is to return a Bounty Hunter’s cycler shotgun, then yes, I am not going to follow that order, because security shouldn’t be assisting antagonists.

I’m not saying you lost to a 20 gorillian hours vamp, nor trying to nick pick things like in your last paragraph. Let me break it down for you:

I have watched you how you behave with sebastian when you think nobody is watching. I was ghost watching.
Heres a new one: i’ve arrested you before, because you were running around with sec gear as an engi non antag, dragging someone on also sec gear. Turns out you axed your way into a sec office and a sec locker, and managed to get a baton. Can you guess who that buddy was? I have no round id ,because i let it slide.
You ONLY seem to have this abnormalities and “bag fumbles” ONLY with that player for some reason. Not because you lost 1v1. And you did it way too many times to be a 1 time thing.
My critic was for YOU in general. Not because XYZ happened. I was trying to convey the sentiment that you are an habitual line stepper and many people don’t appreciate your “tg terry goon” mentality.

Finally, i ahelped this before round ended, and i was encouraged to make a grief report on this situation. What i explained in the ahelp is pretty much what’ve said here. Nothing is done in bad faith.

I’m not saying you lost to a 20 gorillian hours vamp, nor trying to nick pick things like in your last paragraph.

That is what the grief report was about, so that’s what I responded to. I’m not sure how I can reply to random accusations you invent, “general sentiment” and “personal critique.” Just ahelp each “abnormality” next time you see them.

Critiques (which is actually the correct word I wanted to use) are not accusations.
Saying to just report the next time is a bit moronic don’t you think. Are you really going to do everything I mentioned again? That would be a bit dumb.

I won’t get baited anymore into replying to a guy that tends to go ace attorney with an essay, embodying the guy talking with a white board behind. May the logs and gods be on your side my friend :+1:

Can’t do it again if I haven’t done it to begin with :+1:

Hi, i looked into this and i did not find anything suggesting axle got intentionally converted, this looks like ic issue to me.

For the murderbone part, that was handled by mods online at that time.

Thanks for the report.