Byond Account: Inky4567
Character Name(s): Tristan Werry
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234):inkyboy2833
Round ID of Ban:31127
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal: ok I’ve had to rewrite this since a single type led to my ban appeal getting entirely denied what i meant by ‘that’s a joking term dummy’ was that i forgot to add ’ to dummy as i was implying the word dummy is usually used as a joking term but i forgot those if you just let me elaborate instead of reply once and deny it i could have clarified the mistake but anyways
im gonig to say the entire thing again this time withought the typo
I’m sorry but first off insulting?
you consider that such a appalling vile insult me calling you a dummy twice second off it was one guy i killed for previous beef that happened in the round you claim i kept changing the story but i never i kept saying ‘and’ ‘and also’ these both imply that it was an addition not changing I get banned for killing a single dude who was walking around with a fire axe wielded clearly with an intent to kill quite frankly I think you were just looking for any excuse to ban me straight up, and continued insulting? I said dummy two or three times but that’s not bullying that’s a joking term, ‘dummy’ I didn’t call you anything else. the lawyer continued to snitch on everyone giving revs location and snitching on me and all I think i was in the right to kill the guy cause his close ness with security and considering he was pdaing about sec randomly mind shielding is good evidence he was to and walking around with a fire axe seems like a good reason to kill someone and prevent any further pain or loss. another thing a week for killing a single guy? that seems wrong especially as a antaonist.
- 1.1. Do not needlessly kill those you do not need to outside of your objectives and simply because you can. This includes destroying silicons. Things like covering up evidence, dealing with pursuing security officers, ‘Good Samaritans’ on your tail, and removing a witness, are always acceptable examples. Ahelping ideas for gimmicks may grant an exception to this.
first of the case of a ‘good samaratin’ was this lawyer as its very rare you find a person running around with a fire axe wielded and they were more or less a witness not only watching the group of revs in cargo leaking their location and possibly mind shielded due to complaining about unconsent full mind shielding security is doing
0). Our staff is composed entirely of volunteers who work to make Fulp a welcoming community to all players. While it’s okay to express frustration with admin interactions, doing so in a way that is aggressive or harassing will result in a mute or a ban. If you harass staff, expect consequences to come as a result of your actions or your issue to be discarded.
where in the entirety of our interaction was i harrasing you? unless i cant read properly
i get the feeling that i may have been missheard by the admin but a week over two words is just wrong in my opinion i hand no intention of harrasing the admin i was just feeling a little good during that round since i got that lawyer for snitching im sorry that i missworded it but two words ‘dumb’ and ‘dummy’ considered harrasment and antagonizing is wrong