Maxim Wentzel - Antag rolling, part 2 (electric boogaloo)

Going megafauna as an antag for me (exception changeling to kill hiero) is a guaranteed death and lose of a special role. I did say Im gonna “tank the damage” because I had kinetic crusher, and all of the attacks did go for me first(second miner had two KAs) and no, I rush hiero regardless of declarated war, it depends more on who are the miners, if there are people who rush it every mining shift and succeed with only one medipen, I would try my luck too, if there are none, Im gonna go look for legion cores so I can have more chance in killing it.
And that time I cleared lava from tendrils, I was in champions hardsuit and succeeded in killing hiero, that was literally once I think.

@Mason Killing those goliaths would be a waste of time, I would kill one, and another one would respawn, so I went for tendrils, I almost broke one but got tentacle spammed.