Byond Account: BowlFork
Character Name(s): Aphel Moanne
Discord Name: bowlfork
Round ID: 31641
Date: 4-5-2024
Griefer IC name: Axle Brady, Dustin White, some clown named Derrick the internet wizard
Griefer Byond account (if known): SinfulBliss (Axle), PyroCattrue(Dustin) clowns is unknown
What happened:
Axle and Dustin are blood brothers, apparently cremated the HoS who wasnt a target, and then when the captain comes to medical to retrieve Dustin who was caught, Axle starts attacking, lots of people were in medical at the time most people attacked in self defense or to save others, etc. I ran away into maints to heal my wounds and to check out how many dead people there were, like 5 which is a lot for just one md. While I was reviving the captain, Axle comes into md, i RUN AWAY, not even attacking them and they chase me and kill me in morgue saying “Lynch mob never works” Never was a lynch mob, Captain and detective were there to deal with the rd, I was there cause im literally a md i dont know about everyone else.
Clown was attacking the HoP in shuttle was not an antag in end report.
Hi, I was one of the BBs. I never cremated the HoS. The only person I round removed was Power Rathens (a target), who we cremated. The fight all began when my BB (RD, Dustin White) got caught by cap, so I killed the cap and uncuffed him.
Later, we went to lavaland to kill our shaft miner target. My BB died in lavaland to a legion, so I grabbed his body and brought him to med to revive him. At that point, the cap was revived and was with the detective, and they arrested my BB again. I shot the cap to get my BB back, and everyone in med started attacking me. You in particular shot me with the Unica .357 twice and the chaplain beartrapped me, so I had to retreat. I came back to med later to save my BB, and that’s when I killed you and the chaplain.
Every single person I killed was out of self-defense or was an objective – I was not murderboning. The crew had essentially formed a lynchmob against us, which cap called after he was revived.
Captain’s Announcement: Okay, gang. Comms are down. Security is, as far as I know, all dead. Axle Brady and Dustin White, the RD, are at large. It’s either a lynch-mob, you tell me where these two are, or a shuttle.
[Common] Mercury VII asks, “Wonderful. SO, what’s it gonna be, crew? Lynch-mob, mass-snitching on the location of these two silly-billies, or a shuttle?”
[Common] Seeks-The-Soup hisses, “Lynch mob, blesssed by god”