Ooc deadchat mute ban appeal

Byond Account: bluememesauce
Character Name(s): Xinyi Zhao
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): banned from discord
Round ID of Ban: 12072
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Banned from Roles: Deadchat, OOC permanently - Advertised other servers in dchat round 12072
State your appeal:

At roundstart I observed a round on fulpstation. When I joined as ghost I started talking with the one other observer in deadchat

he said something about how he was getting bored of fulp

I said something like “fulp sucks just go play [OTHER SERVER]”

The admin mutes me from deadchat for advertising. I complain to him that I was just having a conversation and not trying to advertise anything but he doesn’t care he’s an admin he can mute whoever he wants. Also, at this point I could still talk in OOC, but I didn’t complain about my mute in OOC because I knew the admin would get mad and permanently ban me. I midround joined as a captain that logged off but then logged off myself because I wasn’t in the mood to play after having a bad admin experience.

At first I accepted the mute because I thought it would just end the next round. I didn’t know that later I would get permanently muted for saying fulp bad [OTHER SERVER] good. An hour later, after I had already logged off, the admin randomly decided to change my deadchat mute to permanently banned from both OOC and deadchat for no reason. I guess this doesn’t really matter for the appeal but its dumb that the admin did that.

By the way, this same admin has a history of permanently muting people from OOC and deadchat for minor offenses. The ban appeal was accepted and the permaban from OOC was decreased to a week. Permabanned from the OOC without warning over a conversation about MRP

I apologize for breaking the rules and advertising. However, I don’t think what I did was worth a permanent mute. I wasn’t trying to advertise, and there was only a single other person in deadchat with me. Of course I didn’t hate fulpstation, I was playing it. I enjoy conversing with other fulpstation members and I would like to be able to talk in OOC and deadchat again. I used to love observing and talking with other ghosts about the round, but now I can’t. Even though fulpstation may have some problems, I enjoy playing fulpstation and I don’t hate it. I am sorry for saying that fulpstation sucks, it is a good server. I am sorry for advertising and I learned my lesson to never advertise any server ever again.

This is my ban, so I won’t be handling it, but I’d ask whoever does handle it to look up Stella🌸
#9716’s ban reason on Discord as this is their byond account

I got banned from the discord for looking up an admins username on google and finding his minecraft account. I do agree with the ban since finding information with people is a bad thing and I regret my actions and apologize for doing that. However that is unrelated to being banned from OOC so I dont see how that matters with the ban appeal

You don’t seem actually apologetic over doing this, only upset that you were caught. Also, half of this ban reads like a staff report. If you have an issue with the admin that banned you, I suggest you make a staff report, not a ban appeal.

Denied. Feel free to reappeal in a month.