Powergaming captain takes sec gear on none rev round

Byond Account: Kokokokondo
Character Name(s): Cornwallis De Mais
Discord Name: Hubert Heart#0913
Round ID:24393
Griefer IC name: Anastasia Atreides
Griefer Byond account (if known): Null0

What happened: I was a lawyer sitting in brig doing lawyer things and then I see Ana take a sechud on a round without revs. Even after warning them that they are not allowed to do that due to it being unauthorized gear (I broke and told them it was powergaming IC) and then they went back and returned them.

Not 10 minutes later they come back and take another pair of sechuds and their claim was that “I see other captains doing it all the time.” I died to carps right after they grabbed it so I dont know if they got anything else from the lockers.

captain powergame

To quote Willard’s Guide on being a Captain You spawn with Sunglasses and not Sechuds. This is for a reason.

TLDR: Broke core rule 2 by powergaming sec gear as captain on non rev round.

Our official rules can be found at https://wiki.fulp.gg/, not some forum post by a non staff member. The captain asked me if it was powergaming in game and I told them its fine rule wise. If you have a problem with this, make a staff report.

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To clarify, guides are not official in any capacity, and you should not look to them for official admin rulings (with the exception being the guide to writing a ban appeal). Captains are given a much wider breadth as far as power gaming goes, and doubly so when there is a known threat to their lives. Captains are always allowed to request or purchase sechuds, and obtaining them during revs is not only allowed but encouraged.

TL;DR Sheet’s ruling on this was 100% correct.