Ra'zak Heiden(EmpireOfFire)-Permanent Job Ban Appeal

Byond Account: EmpireOfFire
Character Name(s): Ra’zak Heiden
Discord Name (ie: Name#1234): EmpireOf Fire, but I am not on your discord
Round ID of Ban: 10228
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste): Reason: As a non-antag HoP you gave yourself extended access to multiple departments and started doing work on Xenobio, Genetics, and Chemisty. You also had access to the RDs office. None of these jobs have anything to do with being the HoP. You have abused command roles many times over and over and don’t seem to learn from the disciplinary that is taken against you, because of this we are going to perma ban you from all head roles.
State your appeal: I am truly sorry to have done this. While this is correct I believe it has taken multiple points out of context. Yes, I have abused the HoP role before and that is inexcusable but this round had some different circumstances to what this has said. During the round multiple command roles could join meaning that this round was somewhat flawed, I knew I was not going to do my job as a HoP so I decided to give myself extended and a job named The Professor. I would also like to point out that the ban itself was that I gave myself AA and did role’s which were not of a HoP, but like I said before I had changed my role to Professor (a meme job due to the absurdity of the round). I wish to point out that no where in the ban reason did it state that I did anything absurdly wrong. Basically, my appeal is that the round had another to fill out the roll (actually there were 3 HoP’s that round), I changed my role, and I went and filled out my role without ever doing true harm to anyone. (I did have an altercation with the RD but this was due to a robot expressing discomfort at the RD locking them down for no reason, I even had their laws checked and it was pointless.)

I actually recall this round as I made a grief patrol over it since more than one person commented on your shittery over discord that round:

So as for this comment:

(I did have an altercation with the RD but this was due to a robot expressing discomfort at the RD locking them down for no reason, I even had their laws checked and it was pointless.)

Command had instructed us to lock down borgs, had you listened on your radio you would’ve known this. I would’ve loved to talk to you about it but that didn’t happen.

You barged in, hit me down and because of your custom role I had presumed you were an intruder. Had you verbally communicated that borgs were not malf I would’ve believed you (even though they were), but command had instructed RDs to lock down the borgs because one was causing human harm and shocking doors at evac.

Instead of using your words to talk with me you decided it was better fit to just attack an RD and unlock all the borgs. The borgs were then relocked and the round ended 10-15 minutes later. Sure enough we did have a malfborg when the end round report showed up. So which is it, you lied about checking laws or were too incompitent to check properly? There weren’t many borgs, so its hard to hear the excuse of “well there were just too many to check” alongside that checking one borg doesn’t justify them all as non-malf. Maybe you could’ve said “Hey I checked X, so X is not malf” I would’ve been more than happy to unlock them. But nope, you just baton me as if you’re an abusive Captain now since you gave yourself AA as HoP.

Giving yourself AA isn’t justified, you’re still expected to obey rules even if you deem a round to be a “meme”. Clearly you failed to acknowledge the rules you should’ve re-read before making your appeal.

I wish to point out that no where in the ban reason did it state that I did anything absurdly wrong.

You also broke into various offices and also let perma prisoners out according to several other people playing that round (as shown in replies in the grief patrol). Was this part of a meme too? You did quite a lot of absurdly wrong things that round.

I’m not replying to this discussion further, I don’t want this thread to be 20+ replies between two people.

PS: Yesterday you were setting people on fire as a non-antag and attached below was your response when apprehended by security. I don’t think anyone who acts like this should be considered for an appeal to command. Server crashed but I’m told the logs still remained of that round.razekonarson

Since this ban, you have only continued to abuse power and break the rules, only in different roles. Appeal again once you have had some better behavior overall and this will be reconsidered.

Appeal denied.