Byond Account:YungKiez
Character Name(s):Rocco tembel bembel
Discord Name (ie:Bumbel#0739):
Round ID of Ban:23208
Ban Message (Gyazo/imgur or copy and paste):
State your appeal:I got banned cause i spelled a word wrong xd That happend cause im from germany and my english is not the best. We already solved the problem with the admin but he said i have to write an appeal so i can get unbanned. Edit : Now i got permabanned cause a support of you said i used metacomms who isnt right and he said i random killed . I killed the clown by a mistake the admin watched the clip and he saw we instantly stopped attacking the guy. I did nothing wrong and now i wanna get unbanned. Thank you . I didnt talked with my mate i didnt grief and i spill the word wrongly. So talk with me and you will see my english is not the best . Insane how you get punished for being bad at english