This is my map, Solitaire Station. Please provide all feedback you can - all feedback good and bad is welcome.
One of the solars on the east side of the station is not wired correctly, both the tracking computer and the solar tracker need to have wires placed underneath them by default.
Also, didn’t verify this myself but my engineering coworkers were saying the SM room appears to only have one RPD. If that’s the case please add like…5 more.
- There doesn’t seem to be a protolathe or circuit imprinter in engineering.
- Staff of lava in maint oh no
- Turrets in AI’s sat are blocked by glass, meaning they dont work unless set to lethal
The Southern solars needs a wire placed underneath the solar tracking computer, as well.
cant pick up items from top left table in genetics lab because the rad suit closet and dna console are on the way. small thing but inconvenient
The most glaring issue I noticed was that it’s very unclear how to get to departments from arrivals. I think condensing arrivals so that there’s only one way out, and that way leads to everything else (marked with signs instead of only floor tiles) like most stations would make things a little more friendly to navigate, especially for beginners.
Primary Hallways
Since they’re so big, atmos issues become problematic very quickly as there isn’t enough space between airlocks most of the time.
Some APCs governing the same area in multiple places:
Top left APC and rightmost both control the port primary hallway’s power.
Fore primary hallways has similarly 2 APCs for a single area.
Urinals look upside down when they’re on this side of the wall, maybe switch them with the showers?
This departures APC is hidden behind a glassless window and shutters, too easily missable.
Roundstart bronze? At least resulted in a lot of people spamming the funny shoes.

Medbay maints has 3 APCs for the same area.
Apparently these two maintenance airlocks required science access which seems unnecessary. The morgue tray on the right is being wacky also.
High-voltage my ass.
I really don’t like how close this distro pipe is to the SM waste output, very likely to cause disasters.
Aux Base Construction
CE does not have an announcement request console.
Roundstart titanium and plastiglass.
Please give Tcomms admin a Tcomms admin annoucement request console like on Meta and Delta
Medbay Central’s APC seems to be missing a wire. It’s also weird how Medbay Central’s APC is in that room instead of the hallway.
World’s least safe plasmaman medbay, starts with your average air composition. Probably should look at how Selene does its.
This air alarm controls every single one seen in the picture, including the one in the spectator seats.
This air alarm controls nothing
CMO has a request console unable to send out station-wide announcements like it should. Also labelled Unknown.
I tried looking everywhere for psych’s air alarm but couldn’t find it anywhere feel free to call me stupid if i missed it
Unknown requests console
The pharmacy does not have an easily accessible fridge for public use.
Hulk and mind reader is not an excuse to validhunt.
RD does not have an announcement request console.
The toxins mixing lab and the toxins launch site are both named Toxins Mixing Lab, I guess they’re the same area?
Hard to picture but all three air alarms in the toxins lab control every single vent/scrubber. This includes the incinerator and the rooms just as well. There were a lot of air alarms and I assume it was due to the outer air alarms picking the heat from inside the combustion chamber.
I don’t think cargo delivers to this place.
Cannot do announcements either.
I can understand why but it does not feel right at all.
Does not look like a reception desk.
Couldn’t find any of these gear reclamation consoles you use to get your equipment back when returning from being teleported to gulag.
More of a balance thing but sec shouldn’t powergame insuls in a locker they can’t even open.
The button wouldn’t flash anyone inside the room no matter how many times I pressed it.
Looked for it but couldn’t find any air alarm at all.
Not sure why the bar backroom is called an atrium but I also couldn’t find what APC was in charge of that area, none connected to the room and it wasn’t the bar APC either.
Couldn’t find the button to activate the crematorium.
APC moved but not the wires responsible for keeping it charged.
Two camera consoles, one being a regular one and the other being the HoS type, seems redudant.
The bunker room seems to be part of bridge, both have APCs with the same name.
Is there a way to make maint more dirty and have more twist and turns
- Arrivals has no firelocks. A single hole would affect the entirety of arrivals.
- Double window in fore maint.
- Xeno spawn in bolted room.
Maintenance issues
Here, I have outlined odd continuous sections of maintenance in bright green. I ask your attention to two of them: Fore Starboard and Security.
- If Fore Starboard maintenance gets breached and depressurized somehow, it is so large to not be practically repressurizable. This is fixable if you throw in a dozen or so airlocks.
- If Security maintenance gets breached and depressurized, the northern half of security no longer has a pressurized maintenance section. This means that, if a radstorm hits while that section of maintenance is depressurized, everyone in the northern half of the security department is basically screwed.
Speaking of maintenance, the airlocks don’t really make sense. They’re all over the place, but as I demonstrated earlier, they don’t really prevent a loss of atmospheric pressure. I appreciate maintenance jungle gyms as much as the next guy, but that shouldn’t be the only justification for building maintenance in a particular way.
There’s a couple of odd construction features in maintenance.
Empty, doorless room:
In fact, there are a rather large number of rooms without doors in maintenance. I’m not going to list all of them here, but there are at least 10.
Too big make it small
Thank you all for all of your feedback, it’s been massively helpful.
I have made amendments to address just about everything you have raised so far. And I have also made many other amendments from issues and improvements that surfaced during the live playtest today.
If you have any further feedback, please do feel free to share
There is no entrance for MDs to enter Pharmacy that doesn’t include passing through Chemical Factory, which is an issue, because MDs do not get access to that, only to Pharmacy. Please give MDs a Pharmacy door.
i had a few but i forgot to grab images of them
i dont know if it was intentional or not but one of them was a medical kit storages in the halls that had a door and windows but could be accessed from the back of it
also i believe escape has two or more apcs as there was a charged apc that was turned on yet it was out of power (sorry for lack of pictures)
Arrival pods it seems, spawns on the next Z level.
Also observers spawn on the arrivals shuttle, did you properly set an observer landmark?
The courtroom’s chairs have no ends on them
Science circuits jank as hell
there are no security record & camera consoles security officers can access in the brig.
the Bar has some kind of machine that enables a rapidly changing light that hurts eyes and could trigger an epileptic fit its probably best to either allow it to be turned off (by the crew) or remove it entirely
Love the room designs, although the size feels way too big for the pop we played it on.
Really like how lively some of the departments are with the design compared to helio/selene.
The jungle/overgrown part is really cool and the most beatiful place i’ve seen on fulp.
Things i dislike, i guess the size is a bit too big, very hard to orient yourself but i guess it’ll come with time.
Atleast arrivals and departures is placed right imo left most arrival, right most departure.
And also engineering looks uninspired / done quickly compared to the rest of the departments.
Looks like it was done in a hurry to wrap things up and not as much detail was put into it
The resturaunt portal in the bar is the wrong one. it’s the one used by chefs and not the bar.
I believe the toxins combustion chamber isn’t properly insulated. I can’t get the heat above 7000 kelvin or so and the entire room heats up to inhospitable levels soon after the reaction starts.