Grief Patrol: Madeline Jardine thinks they're an antag

Byond Account: TheA1ternative

Character Name(s): Society

Discord Name: TheA1ternative#0004

Round ID: 9460

Griefer Byond account: MrTecoo

Griefer Byond name: Madeline Jardine

What happened:

DISCLAIMER: This was during an admin bus round, however the person in question acted as an antag when they weren’t for no reason.

I got cuffed as a mime by beepsky to which “Madeline Jardine” grabbed me, ran around with me and chapel and kept hitting me with a flyswatter while I was the mime. They demanded I work for them to which I obviously cant reply cause I’m a mime. All the while they kept hitting me with a flyswatter and taunting me demanding I beg them to stop to which I had. She continued to hit me even after she made my arm and leg limp and lifeless.

She drags me into sec while hitting me and has me thrown in jail. She waits outside my cell in sec with no timer and continues to taunt me. As someone lets me out I run to grab a piece of paper to explain that I am the victim.

However she threw an explosive at me the moment I got out, crippling me. Captain tried to save me as I had captured a syndie earlier and tries to pull me away as Madeline keeps hitting me with the flyswatter. Eventually we died to admemes outside while I was placed in crit from her beforehand.

Tried to ahelp it, got no reply as admins were too busy admemeing which is understandable. Still I would have rather been attacked for 10 minutes straight by someone that was not her as she wasn’t an antag. She was just a chaplain and I was a mime, checked post-round synopsis and it showed she indeed was not antag.

Looks like this isn’t the fist grief patrol report of them either: Grief Patrol Madeline Jardine

And now I know their byond username thanks to these:
edited my original post to include it, wowee this man is a shitter

I brought you to sec after u got arrested by beepsky, and I was smacking prisoners with flyswatters yes.
No I did not throw an explosive, I got PDA bombed.
You are the shitter for trying to get me in trouble and assuming the worst about me, what about next time read the chat? Being PDA bombed is not the same as… let me see… “throwing an explosive at you”

My other grief patrol report did not result in me getting banned, and I don’t remember what happened. I talked to alucard about it.

You still smacked my limbs to be limp and lifeless before the bomb exploded. You were only smacking me (and not other prisoners) and infact you waited outside my cell the entire duration to continue to smack the rest of my functioning limbs to which I only had two of.

Would you care to justify why you made an entire half of my body limp and lifeless before bringing me to security? Would you also care to justify why you made me agree to an ultimatum to “work for you” so you would stop abusing me?

Also your grief patrol reports and ban appeals show your full shittery history as posted by slig. You have more admin notes on your account over the span of a month than I do during my entire few years here.

Making limbs be limp and lifeless is impossible with a flyswatter though, and slig has something against me for staff reporting her.
Admin notes are admin notes, not something to indicate how adhd a player is.
Maybe if you stopped playing along with it I would have just left you?

I waited outside your sell because sec department was literally the only safe place, there were antags everywhere.

You did make my limbs limp and lifeless, round ID is there so admins will check and confirm that.

As I said, a flyswatter does 1 brute damage to the affected body part and nothing more.

You hit me a lot more than once, I didn’t think flyswatter could make my arms and legs lifeless but here we are.

I also didn’t think so, but why are you making such a big deal out of it. Why were you even wanted in the first place so badly that the officers didn’t set a timer on your cell? I feel like you are the type of guy who creates drama for fun.

Well I didn’t think it would be a big deal either but now you’re lying out of your teeth saying you were simply taking me to security.

You had crippled me far beyond what was necessary and had held me hostage longer than my duration in security (during which you crippled one of my arms and one of my legs). You very clearly wanted to smack me more after my release as evidenced when I was eventually let go and made a run for the paper to write with my 1 remaining hand to report you. Even after the PDA bomb you were smacking me while the captain was trying to pull me away from you.

No, I took you to security and then smacked with a flyswatter constantly.
I didn’t hold you hostage, sec releases you when they decide to, and they did release you, but unfortunately we exploded and went deaf. That was tragic actually, and you being so serious on a full on chaos bus round is also tragic, I wasn’t serious at all.

No, I took you to security and then smacked with a flyswatter constantly.
I didn’t hold you hostage, sec releases you when they decide to, and they did release you, but unfortunately we exploded and went deaf.

This is a lie, there’s even text in the round while you were smacking me in your chapel that you demanded I work for you else you’d hit me more.

You even taunted me demanding I beg for you to stop to which I did and you still kept going.

This was all before you brought me to security too.

“Work for me” was a joke, obviously you weren’t gonna do that. So I just decided to bring you to sec because I can’t hold on to you constantly.
?I didn’t ask you to beg.

“Work for me” was a joke, obviously you weren’t gonna do that. So I just decided to bring you to sec because I can’t hold on to you constantly.
?I didn’t ask you to beg.

You did, I have distinct memory of you taunting me with this. Most times I get abused as mime its a haha-funny meme but gosh darn were you a sadistic person.

Maybe if you stopped playing along with it I would have just left you?

and you being so serious on a full on chaos bus round is also tragic, I wasn’t serious at all.

As someone lets me out I run to grab a piece of paper to explain that I am the victim.

^ Madeline Jardine exclaims: “He wants a paper!”
I didn’t try to prevent you from getting a paper, you could have broken silence at any point, again if you didnt like it so much why did you play along

And now I know that flyswatters are absolute destructive weapons more powerful than 4 energy swords because you told me so.
I thought they were harmless because a mentor told me they were, and I believe mentors.

Maybe if you stopped playing along with it I would have just left you?

Playing along??? I was cuffed and you were pulling me, you actively prevented me from running. Mimes can’t talk, dummy. Telling them to break silence to avoid your abuse is some next-level victim blaming.

I didn’t try to prevent you from getting a paper, you could have broken silence at any point, again if you didnt like it so much why did you play along

You taunted me about the paper during the round too while I was in the cell cause I kept trying to mime to the lawyer, captain, HoS and Warden that I needed one. After the explosion you kept swatting me and I had to run away from the stack of paper to escape you (albeit difficulty as I was already crippled before the explosion so it was even more limping than before). I wasn’t sure if you’d hurl another bomb but you were definitely smacking me infront of the captain while I was already a cripple before the explosion.

Also breaking silence as a mime is bad RP and from past experience has gotten me executed by security or straight up ignored. So unless I was about to enter crit (which I did a minute or so later) it was not a valid time to break silence. Not when I had still the hope of reaching the paper.

and you being so serious on a full on chaos bus round is also tragic, I wasn’t serious at all.

I wouldn’t have been serious either if I wasn’t crippled beyond a reasonable doubt by a non-antag who thinks they can be an antag whenever they want especially during an admin-bus round.

Me smacking you with what I thought was a harmless weapon and watching you respond to that how is that being antag?

You cannot get executed for breaking silence, that is against the rules, speaking mimes are not valid.

I was wearing the PDA, you were near me, how did you get more damaged than me? Bullshit.
You can stop saying crippled, and I remember a doctor was visiting sec, didn’t he help you?

Playing along: mime cries, mime begs, not breaking silence and telling sec to help.
saying “he wants a paper” was genuinely not a taunt, I wanted to see what you had to say

Me smacking you with what I thought was a harmless weapon and watching you respond to that how is that being antag?

You didn’t think to shift-left click me at any point while holding me hostage?

You cannot get executed for breaking silence, that is against the rules, speaking mimes are not valid.

There is a stigma against mimes that break vow even when imprisoned, almost as if they’re untrustable. I feel as if you know that and thus why you’re using that as your defense. I have been executed in the past when breaking silence to try to save my life before and I didn’t want a repeat so I tried to grab some paper which you obviously were not okay with because you tried to smack me as I tried to reach for it after the bomb. So I tried to crawl away from you and captain tried to pull me away from you also as while you were on the ground you were actively making it a mission to cripple me more.

I was wearing the PDA, you were near me, how did you get more damaged than me? Bullshit.
You can stop saying crippled, and I remember a doctor was visiting sec, didn’t he help you?

I didn’t say I took more damage, I said I was crippled before the bomb. The medic acknowledged my leg and arm were fucked and couldnt do anything. Perhaps you missed him say that or you’re being purposefully ignorant.

I really want an admin to look at this sooner to confirm that you did indeed cripple me BEFORE taking me to sec.

Playing along: mime cries, mime begs, not breaking silence and telling sec to help.
saying “he wants a paper” was genuinely not a taunt, I wanted to see what you had to say

Yeah I’m sure you would’ve considering you were actively waiting outside my cell to smack me more.

EDIT: I’ve reached my reply limit as to how much I can reply and now have to wait 2 hours.